Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer Is Almost Over

I apologize for not writing sooner. The month of July was crazy with the boys getting ready for camp. It seemed like every Wednesday was about camp. Because it was planned that the Varsity Scouts go with the Boy Scouts to camp, I had to sit back and wait till August when camp was over.

Last Wednesday I was really excited about my first official team meeting. Because there was no functioning team before, I found a Varsity Team Star-up packet  online and looked over it. I liked what I saw and changed a couple of things for our first meeting. My goal was to get them working and thinking as a team so I planned some team building activities.

Well, when when it was time to start, the Scoutmaster wanted to clean the trailer and air out the tents. I was a little upset because I had plans and one of my boys left because he didn't want to help. We went along with it because the tents were put away wet because it was raining up at camp.

I am a firm believer that if a plan doesn't follow through, there must be a reason and I found out why.Having an assistant team coach on the same page is key to a successful team. Sure a coach could do it all by themselves, but they are pronged to burn out. My assistant and I had a nice conversation about our goals and vision. He was the coach before and was having a hard time implementing and keeping the varsity program alive. He eventually burned out. I shared with him my vision and plan and he offered his input and support. Eventually we came up with an idea for this Wednesday to help get the boys excited. He then got excited and right then and there, I knew that scout night was not a waste.

Wednesday, we are having a pizza planning party where we get our main activities planned for the upcoming year. We'll still do some team building activities and some other things. But now that I have an assistant on board, things are looking up.

Now I just need to jump start the committee. We have boys that need advancements. I have three that should have been Star Scouts months ago. I'll keep you posted on what happens on Wednesday.

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